In financial year 2017, the Administrative Board has exercised all its duties under the law, statutes and company rules. It has managed the Company, determined the basic business strategies and monitored their implementation by the Managing Directors.
In this regard, the Administrative Board has in its four regular meetings discussed and resolved on the Company’s business policies, all relevant aspects of corporate development and corporation planning, the Company’s economic situation, including its net assets, financial position and results of operations and all key decisions for the Group. All members participated in drawing up the resolutions. The Managing Directors have informed the Administrative Board regularly, comprehensively and in a timely manner in written and verbal form about the implementation of all decisions and about all major business transactions. Furthermore, an extraordinary and a constitutive meeting of the Administrative Board took place.
The Administrative Board discussed in detail all of the Company’s key business transactions, based on the reports by the Managing Directors and the committees and presented its own ideas. The Managing Directors has provided the Administrative Board with information on any deviations from business performance based on the specifications that have been given to the Managing Directors by the Administrative Board. The Administrative Board verified all of these explanations using the supporting documents submitted. The Administrative Board was involved in all key decisions at an early stage. In addition, the Chairman of the Administrative Board and other members of the Administrative Board maintained and continue to maintain, regular verbal or written contact with the Managing Directors and keep themselves informed of all major developments. Overall, these discussions did not give rise to any doubts that the Managing Directors were managing the Group in anything other than a lawful and proper manner.