Information concerning takeovers
The following information, valid 31 December 2024, is presented in accordance with Art. 9 p. 1 c) (ii) of the SE Regulation in conjunction with Sections 289a, 315a German Commercial Code (HGB). Details under Sections 289a, 315a HGB which do not apply at PUMA SE are not mentioned.
Composition of the subscribed capital (Sections 289a [1][1], 315a [1][1] HGB)
On the balance sheet date, subscribed capital totaled € 149,698,196.00 and was divided into 149,698,196 no-par value shares with a proportional amount in the statutory capital of € 1.00 per share. As of the balance sheet date, the Company held 873.783 treasury shares.
Shareholdings exceeding 10% of the voting rights (Sections 289a [1][3], 315a [1][3] HGB)
As of 31 December 2024, there was one shareholder in PUMA SE that exceeded 10% of the voting rights. It was held by the Pinault family via several companies controlled by them (ranked by size of stake held by the Pinault family: Financière Pinault S.C.A., Artémis S.A.S. and Kering S.A.). The shareholding of Kering S.A. in PUMA SE amounted to 0.0% of the share capital on 31 December 2024, according to Kering’s own information. The shareholding of Artémis S.A.S. amounted to 28.7% of the share capital on 31 December 2024 (after the capital reduction resulting from the share buy-back programme).
Statutory provisions and regulations of the Articles of Association on the appointment and
dismissal of the members of the Management Board and on amendments to the Articles of Association (Sections 289a [1][6], 315a [1][6] HGB)
Regarding the appointment and dismissal of the members of the Management Board, reference is made to the applicable statutory requirements of Section 84 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). Moreover, Section 7[1] of PUMA SE’s Articles of Association stipulates that Management Board shall consist of two members in the minimum; the Supervisory Board determines the number of members in the Management Board. The Supervisory Board may appoint deputy members of the Management Board and appoint a member of the Management Board as chairperson of the Management Board. Members of the Management Board may be dismissed only for good cause, within the meaning of Section 84[3] of the AktG or if the employment agreement is terminated, for which in each case a resolution must be adopted by the Supervisory Board with a simple majority of the votes cast.
Amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company require a resolution by the Annual General Meeting. Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting require a majority according to Art. 59 SE Regulation and Sections 133[1], 179 [2] [1] AktG (i.e. a simple majority of votes and a majority of at least three quarters of the share capital represented at the time the resolution is adopted). The Company has not made use of Section 51 SEAG.
Authority of the Management Board to issue or repurchase shares (Sections 289a [1][7], 315a [1][7] HGB)
The authority of the Management Board to issue shares result from Section 4 of the Articles of Association and from the statutory provisions:
Authorized Capital
By resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 5 May 2021, the Management Board is authorized, with approval of the Supervisory Board, to increase the share capital of the Company by up to EUR 30,000,000.00 by issuing, once or several times, new no par-value bearer shares against contributions in cash and/or kind until 4 May 2026 (Authorized Capital 2021). In case of capital increases against contributions in cash, the new shares may be acquired by one or several banks, designated by the Management Board, subject to the obligation to offer them to the shareholders for subscription (indirect pre-emption right).
The shareholders shall generally be entitled to pre-emption rights. However, the Management Board shall be authorized with approval of the Supervisory Board, to partially or completely exclude pre-emption rights
- to avoid peak amounts;
- in case of capital increases against contributions in cash if the pro-rated amount of the share capital attributable to the new shares for which pre-emption rights have been excluded does not exceed 10% of the share capital and the issue price of the newly created shares is not significantly lower than the relevant exchange price for already listed shares of the same class, Section 186 (3) sentence 4 of the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz, AktG). The 10% limit of the share capital shall apply at the time of the resolution on this authorization by the Annual General Meeting as well as at the time of exercise of the authorization. Shares of the Company (i) which are issued or sold during the term of the Authorized Capital 2021 excluding shareholders’ pre-emption rights directly or respectively applying Section 186 (3) sentence 4 AktG or (ii) which are or can be issued to service option and convertible bonds applying Section 186 (3) sentence 4 AktG while excluding shareholders’ pre-emption rights during the term of the Authorized Capital 2021, shall be counted towards said limit of 10%;
- in case of capital increases against contributions in cash insofar as it is required to grant pre-emption rights regarding the Company’s shares to holders of option or convertible bonds which have been or will be issued by the Company or its direct or indirect subsidiaries to such an extent to which they would be entitled after exercising option or conversion rights or fulfilling the conversion obligation as a shareholder;
- in case of capital increases against contributions in kind for carrying out mergers or for the direct or indirect acquisition of companies, participation in companies or parts of companies or other assets including intellectual property rights and receivables against the Company or any companies controlled by it in the sense of Section 17 AktG.
The total amount of shares issued or to be issued based upon this authorization while excluding shareholders’ pre-emption rights may neither exceed 10% of the share capital at the time of the authorization becoming effective nor at the time of exercising the authorization; this limit must include all shares which have been disposed of or issued or are to be issued during the term of this authorization based on other authorizations while excluding pre-emption rights or which are to be issued because of an issue of option or convertible bonds during the term of this authorization while excluding pre-emption rights. The Management Board shall be entitled, with approval of the Supervisory Board, to determine the remaining terms of the rights associated with the new shares as well as the conditions of the issuance of shares. The Supervisory Board is entitled to adjust the respective version of the Company’s Articles of Association with regard to the respective use of the Authorized Capital 2021 and after the expiration of the authorization period.
The Management Board of PUMA SE did not make use of the existing Authorized Capital in the current reporting period.
Conditional Capital
The Annual General Meeting of 11 May 2022 has authorized the Management Board until 10 May 2027 with the approval of the Supervisory Board to issue once or several times, in whole or in part, and at the same time in different tranches bearer and/or registered convertible bonds and/or options and profit-participation rights and/or profit bonds or combinations thereof with or without maturity restrictions in the total nominal amount of up to € 1,500,000,000.00.
The share capital is conditionally increased by up to € 15,082,464.00 by issue of up to 15,082,464 new no-par value bearer shares (Conditional Capital 2022). The conditional capital increase shall only be implemented to the extent that conversion/option rights are exercised, or the conversion/option obligations are performed, or tenders are carried out and to the extent that other forms of performance are not applied.
No use has been made of this authorization to date.
Authorization to acquire treasury shares
The Annual General Meeting of 7 May 2020 resolved under agenda item 6 to authorize PUMA SE to acquire and utilize treasury shares until 6 May 2025, including the authorization to sell treasury shares while excluding shareholders' pre-emption rights and the authorization to offer and transfer treasury shares to third parties against non-cash consideration. The authorization from 2020 was extended by resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 5 May 2021 to the effect that the Supervisory Board was authorized to issue treasury shares to members of the Management Board as a component of Management Board remuneration, while excluding shareholders' pre-emption rights. In addition, the authorization from 2020 was extended by resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2022 to the effect that the Management Board was authorized to issue shares acquired, excluding shareholders' subscription rights, in connection with share-based payment or employee share programs of the Company or its affiliated companies to persons who are or were employed by the Company or one of its affiliated companies or are a member of the management of a company affiliated with the Company. In all other aspects, the authorization from 2020 remained unchanged.
On the basis of the aforementioned authorization of 7 May 2020/5 May 2021, the Management Board of PUMA SE approved a share buyback program on 29 February 2024. The first tranche provides for the repurchase of treasury shares with a total purchase price of up to € 100 million and began on 6 March 2024 for the period until 6 May 2025. In accordance with the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting 2020, the repurchased shares will be cancelled.
By resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 22 May 2024, the aforementioned authorization to acquire and use treasury shares was revoked and the company was again authorized to acquire treasury shares up to ten percent of the share capital until 21 May 2029. In addition, the Supervisory Board was authorized to issue the acquired shares to members of the company's Executive Board, excluding shareholders' subscription rights. Furthermore, the Management Board was authorized to issue the acquired shares to persons who are or were employed by the company or one of its affiliated companies or are members of the management of one of its affiliated companies, excluding shareholders' subscription rights in connection with share-based compensation and employee share ownership programs of the company or its affiliated companies. If the shares are purchased on the stock exchange, the purchase price per share may not exceed 10% or fall short of 20% of the average closing price of the same class of company shares in XETRA (or a comparable successor system) on the last three trading days prior to the obligation to purchase. No use was made of this authorization to purchase treasury shares during the reporting period.
Significant agreements of the Company which are subject to a change of control as a result of a takeover bid and the resulting effects (Section 289a [1][8], 315a [1][8] HGB)
Material financing agreements of PUMA SE with its creditors contain the standard change-of-control clauses. In the case of change of control the creditor is entitled to termination and early calling-in of any outstanding amounts.
For more details, please refer to the relevant disclosures in Chapter 17 of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.