Other assets and other liabilities
Other current assets outside of working capital include the positive market value of derivative financial instruments and current receivables from leases. Other current assets outside working capital increased to € 160.0 million (compared to € 69.8 million in the previous year) as a result of higher positive market values of derivative financial instruments.
Right-of-use assets increased slightly by 2.7% from € 1,087.7 million to € 1,116.8 million compared to the previous year. The increase was mainly due to additions to right-of-use assets in 2024, mostly in connection with newly opened own retail stores. The right-of-use assets refer to own retail stores totalling € 528.9 million (previous year: € 464.2 million), warehouses and offices totalling € 522.5 million (previous year: € 557.7 million) and other lease items, mainly technical equipment and machinery and motor vehicles, totalling € 65.4 million as of 31 December 2024 (previous year: € 65.7 million). The associated current and non-current leasing liabilities remained virtually unchanged overall.
Other non-current assets, which mainly comprise intangible assets and property, plant and equipment, increased by 11.3% to € 1,475.0 million (previous year: € 1,325.6 million) in the past financial year. The increase in other non-current assets is primarily due to investments in IT infrastructure and software, as well as technical equipment and machinery.
As of 31 December 2024, current financial liabilities include the current proportion of promissory note loans in the amount of € 70.0 million (previous year: € 125.0 million) and short-term bank liabilities amounting to € 61.6 million (previous year: € 20.9 million).
Other current liabilities, which exclusively include the negative market value of derivative financial instruments, fell from € 47.7 million to € 19.9 million compared to the previous year.
Non-current financial liabilities include promissory note loans totalling € 356.4 million (previous year: € 426.1 million).
Pension provisions increased to € 27.3 million (previous year: € 22.5 million).
Other non-current liabilities fell to € 33.3 million as of the balance sheet date (previous year: € 40.0 million).