Our 10FOR25 sustainability strategy is an evolution of our previous sustainability strategy which was built on creating maximum positive impact. Following an extensive materiality analysis process and stakeholder dialogue, we decided to merge our Human Rights and Social Compliance categories, upgrade our Material targets to Product targets and add the new target categories of Circularity, Plastics and the Oceans, Fair Wages, and Biodiversity. In order to keep the number of target areas manageable, we removed Stakeholder Dialogue, Environmental Profit and Loss (EP&L) accounting, and Corporate Governance from our target matrix. Stakeholder Dialogue and EP&L will be continued as important tools to measure and finetune our sustainability targets. Because corporate governance is growing in importance, it will be reported separately in future.

With our new 10FOR25 sustainability strategy we continue our path to fully integrate sustainability into all our core business functions. Sustainability targets are included in the bonus arrangements of every member of our global Leadership team, from the CEO to the team heads.

After working hard on our sustainability performance in the background rather than center stage, we decided to communicate our sustainability efforts more actively in the future and have added this new focus to the strategic priorities for PUMA.

Stakeholder DIALOGUE

During 2020 we continued our active stakeholder dialogue, although in a different way. Because all sustainability-related conferences and meetings in our industry had to be conducted virtually, we also held our Regional Supplier and Stakeholder Round Table Meetings in the form of virtual events. As we were deeply involved in global industry-level stakeholder meetings about social compliance, climate change, and chemicals, we decided to postpone our own global stakeholder meeting scheduled for 2020. This freed up resources for our top management to participate in the annual event of the UN-lead Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action (attended by our CEO), and the Industry Summit on Social Compliance (attended by our CSO). Other PUMA business leaders participated in the Copenhagen Fashion Summit. In addition, we trained our design and product teams on the concept of circularity with the help of the expert organization Circle Economy.  

We also engaged in regional one-on-one consultations with key organizations including Better Work Vietnam, Bangladesh and Indonesia, the Fair Labor Association, the Fair Wage Network, the International Organization for Migration, other brands, and critical suppliers to review our workplan on human rights, health, safety, and fair income for 2025. Next year, we plan to engage in even more partnerships for training courses on women empowerment and to continue to open up our hotline to include migrant workers by using specific guidelines and tools.

Despite tight budgets due to the implications of the pandemic, we retained our partnerships with all relevant sustainability organizations and even added new memberships with the formalization of the Fashion Pact and the Industry Summit into own organizations.

G.01 Matrix of key partnership initiatives

AFIRM: Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management, BCI: Better Cotton Initiative, CDP: Carbon Disclosure Project, FESI: Federation of the European Sporting Industry, FFC: Fair Factories Clearinghouse, FSC: Forest Stewardship Council, FLA: Fair Labor Association, GIZ: German Corporation for International Cooperation, IFC: International Finance Corporation, ILO: International Labor Organization, IPE: Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, ITC: International Training Center, RMG: Ready Made Garments, SAC: Sustainable Apparel Coalition, SLCP: Social and Labor Convergence Program, UNFCC: United Nations Framework Convention Climate Change, WRI: World Resource Institute, WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature, ZDHC: Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Foundation

Most Material Aspects

For the new target period, we reviewed our most material aspects based on a detailed materiality analysis conducted in 2018/2019, including external and internal stakeholder interviews, a survey, and a stakeholder dialogue meeting. Coordinated by Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), the process resulted in the materiality matrix displayed in Graph G.02 below. Although the Water and Air target is not specifically identified in the formal materiality analysis process, we retained this target, the only one we did not achieve in the last reference period. Honoring our commitment to the Fashion Pact as well as the growing importance of the issue, we also included a new target: Biodiversity.


*SDG: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

PUMA 10FOR25 Sustainability Targets Performance Summary


The 10FOR25 targets also are linked directly to the four main sustainability-related risks identified in our due diligence process:

A. Potential human rights violations or incidents in our supply chain (T1 and T2*)

B. Potential incidents of environmental pollution in our supply chain (T1 or T2)

C. Potential non-compliance with chemical regulations during production (T1 or T2)

D. Negative effects of climate change

Further details on PUMA’s overall risk management can be found in the Risk Management section. Net risks as outlined in the CSR Directive Implementation Act (§315c in relation to §289c, section 3, number 3 and 3 German Commercial Code (HGB), were not identified in 2020.

*T1 manufacturers of PUMA products; T2 manufacturers of materials and components


Scope of data collection

In this report we cover the PUMA Group. We have provided separate reports for PUMA SE and the PUMA Group within the “Governance and our People” section only. Our materiality analysis and EP&L clearly indicate that a major aspect of our impact originates in the manufacturing of materials and components, not in the assembly of finished goods. We therefore have extended our data collection to include our core suppliers of components and materials.

Data Sources

To ensure a high level of transparency and promote the sharing of environmental and social data with our industry peers, we have chosen to use external databases, most of which are publicly accessible:

  • The Fair Factories Clearinghouse for sharing compliance-audit data with other brands
  • The wastewater platform from the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Foundation (ZDHC) for sharing supplier data on wastewater testing
  • The ZDHC Chemicals Gateway for the use of safe chemicals (pilot)
  • The China-based NGO IPE for the publication of suppliers’ environmental data
  • IPE’s Green Supply Chain Map of environmental performance data of some of our core suppliers in China http://wwwen.ipe.org.cn/GreenSupplyChain/Main.html
  • The HIGG Index Platform from the Sustainable Apparel Coalition

Also, we use our sustainability data collection tool to record social and environmental performance data from PUMA-owned and -operated sites and from the core suppliers that manufacture our products.