During the financial year 2021, PIT purchased from 134 independent suppliers (previous year: 139) in 27 countries worldwide. The strategic cooperation with long-term partners did not only remain to be one of the key competitive advantages, but it was also crucial in navigating through the supply chain challenges of 2021.

Asia remains the strongest sourcing region overall with 95% of the total volume, followed by the Americas with 3% and EMEA with 2% (thereof Europe with 1% and Africa with 1%).

As a result, the six most important sourcing countries (93% of the total volume) are all located on the Asian continent. Vietnam remained to be the strongest production country with a total of 32%. Due to lock downs during the third quarter Vietnam saw a minor decrease of global production share by three percentage points compared to last year. Mainly China compensated for the situation in Vietnam and increased its share by three percentage points to 29%. Bangladesh, with a focus on apparel, was in third place at 14% and Cambodia was in fourth place at 13%. Indonesia, which focuses on footwear production, produced 4% of the total volume and was in fifth place. India was in sixth place at 2%.

Rising wage costs, fluctuating material prices and macroeconomic developments, have continued to influence sourcing markets in 2021. Such impacts need to be taken into account in allocating the production to ensure a secure, sustainable and competitive sourcing of products. In this regard sourcing has extended its local supply chain initiatives for markets such as China, India, Latin America, Turkey and others.

G.01 Sourcing regions of PUMA (in %)