PUMA’s last formal materiality analysis was performed in 2018 - 2019 with the help of expert consultancy BSR. The methodology, list of consulted stakeholders and results were reviewed and approved by PUMA’s Managing Directors. Since then, we are using our frequent stakeholder dialog, our membership in various sustainability organizations as well as our participation in sustainability benchmarks and ratings as an indication on whether our strategy is still covering the most important aspects of our business. This has helped us, for example, to add stand-alone policies for human rights, the environment and ethical marketing in 2022 to our set of existing sustainability policies. After reviewing the EU Textiles Strategy as well as upcoming regulations, we are expanding our due diligence efforts deeper into our supply chain and have started to add new aspects such as logistics or products not used for sales (e.g. cars and office supplies). We have also adapted the way we communicate our sustainability efforts to consumers and younger generations. For 2023 we are planning a more formal update of the materiality analysis in accordance with the double materiality principle.


*SDG: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Not started In Progress On track Achieved

Target area Targets for 2025 Performance 2022 Status

Human Rights
Target 1: Train 100,000 direct and indirect staff members on women’s empowerment 168,037 factory workers and 2,077 PUMA employees trained
Target 2: Map subcontractors and Tier 2 suppliers for human rights risks Tier 2 mapping completed 48 Tier 1 subcontractors mapped
Target 3: 25,000 hours of global community engagement per year 43,000 hours

Health and Safety
Target 1: Zero fatal accidents (PUMA and suppliers) Zero fatal accidents at PUMA Two fatal accidents at suppliers
Target 2: Reduce accident rate to 0.5 (PUMA and suppliers) 0.3 injury rate at PUMA suppliers
0.45 at PUMA
Target 3: Building safety policy operational in all high-risk countries ACCORD Bangladesh: Progress rate 91%,
Signed ACCORD Pakistan
Building safety assessments in 13 factories in Indonesia, India and Pakistan

Target 1: Ensure 100% of PUMA products are safe to use No product recall from the market
Target 2: Maintain RSL compliance rate above 90% (Target changed since 2020) RSL compliance rate of 98.5%
Target 3: Reduce organic solvent usage to under 10 gr/pair VOC index at 13.2 g/pair

Water and Air
Target 1: 90% compliance with ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Conventional parameters: 98%
Restricted chemicals: 99%
Heavy metals: 99%
Target 2: 90% compliance with ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines Our core Tier 1 and Tier 2 follow local regulations
Target 3: 15% water reduction per pair or piece based on 2020 baseline Textile: -5%
Leather: -17%
Apparel: -17%
Footwear: -36%

Target 1: Align PUMA’s climate target with 1.5 degrees global warming scenario Applied to SBTi to approve new absolute GHG emission reduction: Scope 1 and 2 by 90%, Scope 3 by 33% in 2030
Scope 1 and 2

Scope 3
Target 2: 100% renewable electricity for PUMA entities 100% renewable electricity used for PUMA entities (including RECs)
Target 3: 25% renewable energy for core suppliers 11% for Tier 1 (finished goods)
10.8% for Tier 2 (materials)
(Including RECs)

Plastics and the Oceans
Target 1: Eliminate plastic bags from owned and operated PUMA stores 48% reduction compared to 2021 (189 tons), 99 tons in 2022, no more plastic bags used starting 1st January 2023
Target 2: Support scientific research on microfibers 12 shedding tests conducted
Target 3: Research biodegradable plastics options for products Launched RE:SUEDE as a test for biodegradability

Target 1: Establish takeback schemes in all major markets Hong Kong takeback scheme ongoing since 2019; US takeback ongoing (footwear) Germany (HQ), Manchester City, AC Milan, Borussia Dortmund and Olympique de Marseille rolled out, Australia rolled out
Target 2: Reduce production waste to landfills by at least 50% compared to 2020 -48% waste to landfill per footwear pair
+1% waste to landfill per apparel piece
Target 3: Develop recycled material options for cotton, leather and rubber Recycled cotton and leather used in PUMA ReGen collection, recycled rubber used

Target 1: Procure 100% cotton, polyester, leather and down from certified sources 99.8% cotton
70.4% polyester
100% leather
100% down
Target 2: Increase recycled polyester use to 75% (apparel & accessories) 51.5% recycled polyester for apparel and accessories
Target 3: 90% of apparel and accessories classified as more sustainable

90% of all footwear contains at least one more sustainable component
79% apparel volume
46% accessories volume

61% footwear volume

Fair Income
Target 1: Fair-wage assessments for the top five sourcing countries 4 out of 5 (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam)
Target 2: Effective and democratically elected worker representatives at all core suppliers 48% of core Tier 1 factories covered
Target 3: Ensure bank transfer payments for all core suppliers 99.3% core Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers use digital payment
99.7% of workers are paid digitally in core factories

Target 1: Support setting up a biodiversity SBT Sponsored a landscape analysis report
Target 2: Procure 100% cotton, leather, and viscose from certified sources 99.8% cotton
100% leather
97.2% viscose
100% down feathers
Target 3: Zero use of exotic skins or hides New Animal Welfare Policy published

REC: Renewable Energy Attribute Certificates, RSL: Restricted Substances List, SBT: Science-Based Target, SLCP: Social and Labor Convergence Program, Tier 1 (T1) suppliers: Supplier of finished goods, Tier 2 (T2) supplier: Supplier of materials or components, Tier 3 (T3) supplier: Supplier of yarn hides, etc., VOC: Volatile Organic Compound, ZDHC: Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals